Wolf's visibility and lighting casework includes:
- Vehicle crashes
- Pedestrian strikes
- Slip, trip and falls
- Headlight design and performance
- Railroad grade crossings
- Human factors
- Line of sight issues
- Glare effect on vision
- Weather influences on vision
- Conspicuity issues
- Stereoscopic depth perception
Wolf's visibility experts have extensive experience with issues related to lighting, optics, conspicuity, line of sight and human factors. Our senses link us to the outside world. Vision is the richest of the human senses. We are highly dependent on seeing to perform many activities such as operating motor vehicles, walking, reading, etc. Light is the basic stimulus for vision. Understanding how light behaves in the environment is the first key to understanding visibility.
In addition, we must understand the optics, the basic physiology of the human eye and how these visual systems process the light stimuli to produce the final perception.
Forensic Visibility Factors

In determining whether or not a particular individual could/could not have seen certain scene features, a site investigation is usually required. During that site inspection, our investigators may collect photographs, video, survey data and other physical measurements. Also, during this site inspection we may look for traffic signs, visual clutter, and background lighting that might have helped or hindered the viewer. We are able to conduct a lighting level measurement survey to determine if there was adequate lighting for the circumstances and for code compliance.
Vehicle examinations may also be conducted to learn which (if any) lamps were activated at the time of the incident. Photographs will document the vehicle condition, particularly whether active and/or retro-reflective elements would have been of any assistance.
Mirrors, sight obstructions and other vehicle configuration elements may reveal that the driver’s view was limited at a critical time. Often, the vehicles involved may be surveyed to assist in later development of graphic portrayals and other demonstrative evidence.

Pedestrian visibility with low beam headlights

Pedestrian visibility with high beam headlights